Patio roses by Summerville Plants are garden roses with properties that are suitable for retention in pots or containers on a balcony or terrace. The roses are in the bud, or with some flowers open at the sales stage. From the moment of purchase, the consumer can enjoy a beautiful shrub that is in full bloom. The plants are supported by a double bamboo arch, making it more resistant to wind.
Rosa Classic Select Rosa Grand Select Rosa Glamour Select
The range consists of 2 series and a fragrant climbing rose as a novelty. The first series is the Rosa Select Breeding range: 22 cm pots with large-flowered spray roses of 75-85 cm height. Available are 12 varieties with 2 strongly scented roses as novelties.

The second series is the Rosa Summerville product range: 19 cm pots with a selection of medium-sized spray roses. 8 different colors, 4 of which are scented roses.

As a novelty for 2020 Summerville Plants offers ‘Rosa Plant’n’Relax Our Last Summer’. A strong scented climbing rose with large dark pink flowers.