What do the names Mandevilla, Sundaville or Dipladenia mean?
Mandevilla is a (sub-) tropical plant originating from Central and South America. The cultivars that are grown were developed through crossbreeding and all types are now called Mandevilla hybrids. The name Dipladenia is officially no longer in use, except in trade and by garden enthusiasts. In 2003, the hybridizer company Suntory introduced the brand name “Sundaville” for Mandevilla varieties with outstanding terrace-properties for e.g. Western Europe. Due to their popularity, the name Sundaville is often used. Sundaville, thus, is the brand name of the Mandevilla hybrids of the hybridizer Suntory. After the introduction of Sundaville, other hybridizers also became active with Mandevilla hybrids. One of these companies is Syngenta. The company grows a number of Syngenta’s varieties with the name Mandevilla Rio. The company D.H.M. Innovations (Lannes) is a French hybridizer with the famous red Mandevilla Diamantina Topaz vermillion. The names Mandevilla, Sundaville and Dipladenia are often interchangeably used for the same plants. Since the variety-traits differ from each other, it is better to use the cultivar names. Because of the excellent garden-properties, the Mandevilla is the main product of Summerville Plants.